【生口島 Ikuchi-jima Island】Hiroshima Prefecture
yubuneは「Azumi Setoda」という昨年にオープンした旅館の別館で、温泉施設は地元住民始め、だれでも利用が可能。写真はありませんが、浴室のタイル画はミヤケマイさんが描いたもので、瀬戸内の島々、豊かな海と生き物がモチーフになっている楽しいもの。2パターンあり、奇数日と偶数日で男女が入れ替わるそうです。
The second island across the bridge from the centre of Onomichi is Ikuchijima island.
I visited here to take a bath at yubune, a hot spring accommodation facility, and to see some of the public art on the island.
The island is the birthplace of the Japanese lemon and the post boxes in the shopping arcade are lemon-coloured.
Yubune is an annex to Azumi Setoda, a ryokan that opened last year, and the hot spring facilities are open to everyone, including local residents. Although not pictured, the paintings on the bathroom tiles are by Miyake Mai and are fun motifs of the islands of the Setouchi Inland Sea, the rich sea and its creatures.There are two patterns, with men and women changing on odd-numbered and even-numbered days.
Public art pictured is by Noe Aoki, Shin Matsunaga and Aiko Miyawaki, in that order. ...